Hi fellow PCC’ers!
Building on the great relationship we have with the Avon and Somerset Roads Policing and Road Safety Units and their support in us being awarded a grant from A&S Police Community Trust to purchase our bike safety cameras Bella, Ben and John are taking part in a cycling challenge on Monday 16th May and would appreciate your support and donations!
Along with A&S Roads Policing and Road Safety Units, we will be completing a cycle based #AndyCoxChallenge for 2022. More than 50 lives are lost on the roads of Avon and Somerset every year and this figure has plateaued over the last 8 years. Each year 50 families will receive a message no one should ever have to hear and the devastation this brings is truly heart breaking. Avon and Somerset Police are taking to the bikes for a five day tour (16th-20th May) around the force area with each stage being just over 50 miles. On Monday the 3 of us are completing the tour from Police HQ in Portishead to Bridgwater and then cycling back!
Here’s a link with more info and the official just giving page;
Have a great ride and well done.