The Next 7 Days
Please make sure that you sign into the rides in Strava so that the Ride Leaders can see who is coming.
In other news...
Charity Challenge 2025.
3rd February to 2nd March
Click on the image below to see where you'll find:
What we're up to and why
The current team and individual standings.
We've just exceeded the 40,000km cumulative target
We've even made it into the local new!
As a team we've raised over £1,400 so far!
Velodrome Trips. Last date to book up with us this season is:
Thursday 13th March
Both sessions run from 8pm to 10pm with the groups alternating under the direction of the coaches. Choose Beginner or Experienced options. £15 PCC members, £20 non PCC members
Click on the link below to select date, level and price. Book Online | Portishead Cycling Club
Save the Dates
Friday 14th March - Charity Raffle. Save your pennies up, There will be some amazing prizes on offer at the end of challenge raffle. We're likely to be hosted by The Poacher. There's about £1,000 of prizes on offer!
Saturday 19th April - The Black Rat Gravel Sportive
Friday 25th April - Annual General Meeting (AGM) - details to be confirmed
Sunday 18th May - The Black Rat Sportive
Saturday 5th July - Club 100/Anniversary BBQ
Saturday 27th - Sunday 28th September - Hostel Ride. Proposed weekend,
Saturday 13th December - Christmas Party