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Winter Challenge 2023

Updated: Dec 22, 2022

February wouldn’t be February without our annual winter challenge and we’ve got an extra exciting one for you this year. Some of you may be aware that James Short was a trustee and ambassador for Jessie May, a local charity who provide a very special home care hospice service for children. No one will be surprised to hear that James put his heart and soul into the charity, visiting families and raising thousands of pounds. So this year we will be honouring a very special man by raising as much as we can for Jessie May.

The Challenge

I’m sure you will be delighted to hear that this year is a climbing challenge! Starting on Monday 30th January we will be climbing as many metres as we possibly can for 4 weeks.

Yes we’ve had a climbing challenge before, but here’s the exciting difference. We are absolutely thrilled that Clevedon & District Road Cycling Club will be joining the challenge. There will simply be two teams - PCC and CDRC are going head to head. Which club can rack up the most metres?! As usual, virtual and actual metres will all be counted and to make the competition fair we will make sure the teams are even.

We would like to say a massive thank you to CDRC for saying yes to the challenge. One thing is for sure - both clubs will be hill climbing legends by the end of February!

Sign up information will follow after Christmas. Get your climbing legs on!



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